Staying Alive in Little Five

Staying Alive in Little Five is a graphic novel developed with community input from Service Industry Workers in Little Five Points Atlanta, GA, who encountered and responded to an overdose in their place of work. This work was informed by participant observation, individual interviews, and historical research that uncovered decades of stigma in the representation of people who use drugs, even in the most liberal outlets such as The Great Speckled Bird, a counterculture underground newspaper that reported on drug use (among other things) from 1968-1976 and 1988-1990. The historical representation of people who use drugs as less-than humans, zombies, and animals informed the project’s art direction to avoid contributing to drug use stigma. This venture in communication science continues to inspire Dr. Febres-Cordero to disseminate science to the individuals and communities that need it most. 

FREE printable PDF of the graphic novel:


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When People Overdose, Naloxone Saves Lives! Video Series

Chapter 1: What are Opioids?

Chapter 3: What is Harm Reduction?

Chapter 6: What is Naloxone?

Chapter 9: Is It Legal to Carry Naloxone?

Sharable versions of these videos are available on YouTube. When sharing please use hashtags: #stayingaliveinlittlefive, #sfcphdrn, and @sfcphdrn

Chapter 2: How to Recognize an Overdose

Chapter 4: What to do When a Friend Overdoses

Chapter 7: How do I Use Naloxone?

Chapter 10: Should I Call 911?

Chapter 5: What is Rescue Breathing?

Chapter 8: What Happens if I am Treated with Naloxone